Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Thrill Of The Hunt

I love thrift shopping for the thrill of the hunt, and have recently discovered that many other people do too. Here are some celebrity quotes I picked up off of random websites.

Katie Holmes: "Fashion is all about the thrill of the hunt for me. There is no excitement, no challenge for me in entering a mall and picking from a limited selection. A thrift store is inherently a land of infinite possibilities."

Modonna: "Thrift shops can give you the ultimate high; I may find little that day, or (more often) there is that brilliant "a-ha!" moment, after an hour of digging, when I surface with exactly the right item in exactly the right color, in exactly the right size, which drapes exactly right along my figure. I didn't know it existed up until that point, but now that I've found it, I can't live without it (and since any given item generally runs in the $5 range, no one has to live without it."

Gwen Stefani: "You don't have to be rich to look chic, put-together, and fabulous. Thrifting is so freeing and creative—it's an almost indescribable adrenaline rush."

Meg Ryan: "Americans need to reduce our shameful waste stream of fashion. Thrift Shopping is one way to get some fantastic clothes very cheap and still look like a million bucks. All the while you are recycling as well."

Reese Witherspoon: "My mom and I make a once a month thrift shopping trip. We find so many unique items and great deals. It can really be a fun and economical pasttime for anyone."

Pink: "I love formal gowns from thrift stores. It's likely no one else will be wearing what you are, and in most cases it was probably worn once then donated."

Christina Aguilera: "I love Resale Shops. You can really play around and mix up your wardrobe with some unique pieces."

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