Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Some cool stuff on my ebay store

So, I have some awesome items / lots in my ebay store right now.

Wholesale lots of clothes (100 pieces per lot) ladies, mens, kids, girls, boys, vintage, costume. You can check out the store and the many various lots at

Also I have a nice brand new (sealed in its original box)Ashley Furniture hutch. Retails for almost $600 and we're asking $300 or best offer. Here's the link if you're interested:

And a great A/V receiver for home entertainment. Retails new for $1200.00. This one is pre-owned but works great and looks to be in excellent like new condition. Asking $500 or best offer. Again, here's the link to that one:
The thrift shop is doing well and ebay is finally getting back to being successful again, since now that the shop is open and running, I have time to devote to my online business.
That's it for now. Nite Nite peeps.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Thrill Of The Hunt

I love thrift shopping for the thrill of the hunt, and have recently discovered that many other people do too. Here are some celebrity quotes I picked up off of random websites.

Katie Holmes: "Fashion is all about the thrill of the hunt for me. There is no excitement, no challenge for me in entering a mall and picking from a limited selection. A thrift store is inherently a land of infinite possibilities."

Modonna: "Thrift shops can give you the ultimate high; I may find little that day, or (more often) there is that brilliant "a-ha!" moment, after an hour of digging, when I surface with exactly the right item in exactly the right color, in exactly the right size, which drapes exactly right along my figure. I didn't know it existed up until that point, but now that I've found it, I can't live without it (and since any given item generally runs in the $5 range, no one has to live without it."

Gwen Stefani: "You don't have to be rich to look chic, put-together, and fabulous. Thrifting is so freeing and creative—it's an almost indescribable adrenaline rush."

Meg Ryan: "Americans need to reduce our shameful waste stream of fashion. Thrift Shopping is one way to get some fantastic clothes very cheap and still look like a million bucks. All the while you are recycling as well."

Reese Witherspoon: "My mom and I make a once a month thrift shopping trip. We find so many unique items and great deals. It can really be a fun and economical pasttime for anyone."

Pink: "I love formal gowns from thrift stores. It's likely no one else will be wearing what you are, and in most cases it was probably worn once then donated."

Christina Aguilera: "I love Resale Shops. You can really play around and mix up your wardrobe with some unique pieces."