Saturday, July 25, 2009


Well, the good news is I finally took some pictures. I have been busy getting the shop ready all week. Everything is finally done and we are ready to open, except that we are waiting to get a meter installed by the Electric Company. It's supposed to be done Monday or Tuesday, but I'm not holding my breath on that as everything is taking a LOOOOOOOOOOONG Time!!

These are just pictures of the thrift shop in no particular order:
Here is my Men's Rack.

I'm not sure what these creepy little ceramic things are, but they are for sale, and possibly haunted lol. (I would not be able to sleep at night with these staring at me!!) They give me the "heebie jeebies" haha (stole that slang from Scooby-Doo).

This is the sign on the door as you're leaving. Just made it on the computer. Love Pac-Man giving you the thumbs up!

Here is my own version of the "Free Bracelets" sign I've seen so many places. It says Free bracelets with every item shoplifted, and shows handcuffs.

Here is a view from the front door, before everything was done, but close to done.

This is my ladies dresses / jackets rack. I like how I dressed the mannequin, she's uber trendy lol. This is a black dress with black polka dots on it. Pink pearl necklace that ties behind the neck with a black ribbon with pink polka dots. So much cuter than the photo shows.

This is the ladies shirts / tops. Assorted by size and sleeve length.

Someone was getting rid of this wooden weird thingy and I figured I could find something to do with it. Voila ~ a great belt display!

Another view of the ladies tops.

And again with the ladies tops... maybe I took so many pictures of these because these took the longest amount of time to organize and sort.

This is a cute little section next to the ladies shirts in the corner with all kinds of cute accessories and costume jewelry.

This is a shelf of books, nick nacks, and randomness. Awesome shelf custom made by Sweets.

Another view of the shelf area.

This is when you first walk in, just a little area of random things.

Weird religious art? I like it.

Here are the questions that were emailed to me and the answers.

What size is the shop?

The store is 1000 sq. ft.

Have I received alot of donations?

I actually purchased most of the things I have, but I have had a few donations here and there. I went to the store today to show my boyfriend "the finished product of all my hard work" and when we pulled up there were 2 boxes of nice clothes sitting by the front door. So, that was a nice surprise. Not sure who left it, but THANK YOU whoever you are out there!! Always appreciated!

How old am I?

Ewww.. I don't like that question only because I don't feel like I am as old as my age would tell. I'm old enough to know better, but still young enough to not care. LOL. I'm 33.